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Monday, June 27, 2011

First One :)

This is my first post on my first ever blog which is pretty cool ;) After all the work, and hours I put in to getting myself on this amazing Voyage. I am happy to know that I will have the opportunity to see more of the world than most people get the chance to in a whole lifetime. I can't wait to see different cultures and see the way they live. The big part of this journey for me is to see the daily problems that some of these lower SES countries and places might be dealt with, and how the health care is throughout these countries. I know it will be an eye opener and can't wait to begin it! Although, there are many things I have to get done before the Visas to get into the country :P and a vaccination and malaria medication so I don't contract it. Well gotta run. Till next time.

-Matthew Ben-Shabat-

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